Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy 14th Birthday Mariah!!!

Saturday, 16 Oct 1993


Fourteen years ago today we were in Utah attending a BYU/Notre Dame football game with Uncle Hugh and Aunt Clara.

Little did we know that two days later we would be holding you. What a delight you have been to raise!

Love you,

This is where the love
of reading began.

Mariah has always been
Ginger's favorite.
Grandpa liked her too!

Mariah's favorite
place to vacation:

Always a true friend, Mariah
chose the cello because she
didn't want her friend to be
alone at music camp.

Mariah was so excited when she
was finally taller than Grandma Sherrill.

Mariah loves her brother, John.

Mariah, Mariah, Mariah,

Such a pratically perfect child, with just enough hot pepper sauce to make her intresting.


Mariah got a cell phone for her birthday and if you're lucky you'll get her number! :)

1 comment:

BeckyButtshaw said...

Mariah! I can't believe you're 14! I remember one of your early birthdays and we introduced you to fire! (your candles of course) We miss you guys!
Anthony & Becky Buttshaw (Borland)