Sunday, September 30, 2007

Highschool Rocks!

Hey everybody! Sorry it's taken so long to update my blog, but i've been really busy. I have been on a roll these past few weeks. I made the San Louis Obisbo Youth Symphony senior orchestra and it's going to be a lot of fun. In the spring, we will be the pit orchestra for Sleeping Beauty, which will be playing at the Cal Poly PAC center. This will be the first time we've done anything like this and I hope you can all come! Highschool is a blast so far. I was elected freshmen class officer for ASB, and I have so many friends. I'm going to be on the Mock Trial team as an attorney and I hope we make it to state.

The picture on the left is me on the first day of school.

The picture on the right is of my friend Cami and I at the Plain White Tees concert. It was a lot of fun! There were so many people there. It was crazy.
In this picture, my friend Leena is doing my hair because some other girl's and I were modeling modest clothes for the Activity Day girls.

This picture is of my friends (from the left) Abby, Melissa Benson who was the MC, Cami, Leena, and I all in the dresses we modeled for the girls.

Well, everything is passing in a blur and we're already halfway done with the first quarter of school. I'm loving highschool, I'm turning 14 this month, and life is perfect! I'll try to be better at updating my blog, but I'm a busy bee now with football games, homework, orchestra and friends. See you all later! -Mariah

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Sounds like your having a great time. High school is a blast, but it does go by fast so remember to enjoy every minute!