Sunday, June 8, 2008

Daddy Daughter Date Night

In 2004 Mariah and Leo attended Arroyo Grande Parks and Recreation's Daddy Daughter Date Night. Brooke, one of Mariah's best friends, invited her to go. Leo and Mariah had such a great time that they have been going every June since. It is a very popular activity in the community. The dads and their daughters are treated to dinner, games, and dancing. Mariah was ten the first time she went.


Brooke,her dad Rich, Mariah age 11, and Leo

"A Enchanted Evening"
Mariah, age 12

"Hollywood Nights"

Mariah age 13

"Sunset in the Rain Forest"

Mariah age 14

Every year Mariah looks forward to having an evening out with her dad and best friend. It has become a tradition. Vickie

1 comment: said...

you look so cute. i am glade you both got to go. john. p.s. still working on the paper work.